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CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy
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Jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram yang memuat tulisan berupa hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan bidang budidaya tanaman, terbit enam bulan sekali. Redaksi menerima naskah dalam bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris.
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CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Penggunaan seleksi in vitro merupakan alternatif untuk mendapatkan tanaman toleran cekaman kekeringan. Seleksi in vitro dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan polietilena glikol (PEG) atau manitol sebagai selective agent untuk mengidentifikasi sel atau jaringan tanaman kacang tanah yang insensitif karena PEG atau manitol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh polietilena glikol (PEG) atau manitol terhadap pertumbuhan embrio somatik kacang tanah. Kalus embriogen dan ES kacang tanah diseleksi pada media selektif MS dengan penambahan agens penyeleksi polietilena glikol (0, 10, 15, 20 %) dan manitol (0, 1, 3, 5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan embrio somatik kacang tanah bervariasi tergantung konsentrasi PEG dan manitol yang digunakan. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi agens penyeleksi, semakin terhambat pertumbuhan ES. ABSTRACT Using of somaclonal variation method that followed in vitro selection at plant breeding program could be used as alternative method to create drought tolerant plant. In- vitro selection could be done with apply polyethylene glycol (PEG) or manitol as selective agent to identify peanut plant cell/tissue that insensitive to selective medium containing PEG or manitol. Objective of this research was to know effectiveness of polyethylene glycol and manitol as in vitro selective agens for drought stress against peanut somatic embryo growth. The experiment was inisiated with induction of somaclonal variation in MS medium containing picloram 16 µM. Medium of MS-P16 that added PEG (0, 10, 15, 20%) and manitol (0, 1, 3, 5%) was used as selective agent for drought stress. Embriogenic calli were placed on PEG and manitol medium during two. Results of the experiment showed somatic embryos (SE) growth in selective medium depended on PEG and manitol concentration. The higher concentration selective agent would be more inhibit SE growth.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Percobaan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pertumbuhan tanaman kacang tanah hasil seleksi in vitro berulang pada media selektif yang mengandung polietilena glikol (PEG) terhadap cekaman kekeringan dengan menggunakan larutan PEG. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah populasi generasi R2. Selain itu digunakan juga tanaman standar cv. Kelinci. Tanaman ditanam pada media campuran arang sekam dan coco peat yang telah disterilisasi. Tanaman pada umur 15-50 hari disiram dengan larutan PEG 15%. Identifikasi tanaman yang toleran terhadap cekaman PEG dengan menghitung indeks sensitivitas kekeringan (S) berdasarkan peubah yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman hasil seleksi ES dua siklus (seleksi berulang) pada PEG 15% menghasilkan pertumbuhan tanaman yang lebih baik dan gejala nekrosis pada daun lebih sedikit. Tanaman hasil seleksi ES dua siklus (seleksi berulang) mempunyai tingkat toleransi yang lebih baik terhadap cekaman PEG. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to identify peanut plant growth resulted from repeat cycling in vitro selection on polyethylene glycol (PEG) containing medium against drought stress with using PEG solution. The R2 generation peanut plants were used in this experiment. Peanut cv. Kelinci was also tested as control peanut plant. The peanut plants were planted on sterilized coco peat medium. The peanut plants that 15 to 50 days old were watered with PEG 15% solution. Identification of tolerant peanut plant on PEG stress was calculated with using drought sensitivity index value (S) on observed parameter. Results of the experiment showed peanut plant growth produced from repeat cycling in vitro selection to PEG was better plant growth, lesser leaf necrosed symptom and more survive under PEG stress.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi pertanian organik dalam konservasi musuh alami hama penting tanaman sayuran dengan metode percobaan lapangan terdiri atas tiga kondisi ekosistem yang berbeda yaitu: kontrol, konvensional dan organik. Tanaman sayuran yang diusahakan adalah tomat, cabe, sawi dan bawang merah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis predator yang mendominasi ekosistem tanaman sayuran baik pada system budidaya organik, konvensional dan kontrol adalah kelompok semut, sementara dua kelompok lainnya yang dianggap berpotensi adalah kelompok laba-laba dan kumbang Coccinelidae karena dijumpai secara langsung pada setiap pengamatan pada keempat jenis sayuran sawi, bawang merah, tomat dan cabe. Kekayaan jenis predator pada ekosistem tanaman sayuran organik lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada kondisi konvensional, masing-masing, pada tanaman sayuran organik (sawi, bawang merah, tomat dan cabe) sebesar 1,7318; 1,00; 1,48 dan 1,482, dibandingkan dengan konvensional berturut-turut sebesar 1,186; 1,05; 0,96 dan 0,96. Jenis parasitoid yang mendominasi ekosistem tanaman sayuran organik mapun konvensional adalah kelompok Tachinidae, dan dua kelompok lainnya yang cukup berpotensi adalah Braconidae dan Ichneumonidae. Kekayaan jenis parasitoid pada ekosistem sayuran organik (sawi, bawang merah, tomat dan cabe) 1,10., 0,76., 0,99 dan 0,95 dibandingkan dengan konvensional sebesar 0,572., 0,78., 0,390 dan 0,497. Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa sistem budidaya sayuran secara organik berpotensi dikembangkan dalam upaya konservasi musuh alami baik predator maupun parasitoid sehingga musuh alami tersebut meningkat peranannya sebagai agen pengendali hayati , terutama dalam aplikasi program Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu khususnya pada tanaman sayuran. ABSTRACT The aim of this investigation was to understand the potential of organic farming system in conserving the natural enemies of the vegetables major pests. The method used in this experiment was field experimental design consists of three different ecosystem including organic, conventional and control. The crops planted were Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, chilly and onion. The results of this investigation shows that the dominant predator found in vegetables crop ecosystem either organic, conventional or control was ants, while two other group of predators that seem to be potential were spiders and coccinelid beetle , because the were found directly every observation on all four vegetable crops. The richness of predator on organic vegetables ecosystem were higher than conventional one, namely on organic condition ( Chinese cabbage, onion, tomatoes and chili) were p 1,7318., 1,00 ., 1,48 d and 1,482, respectively compared to conventional were 1,186., 1,05., 0,96 and 0,96 respectively. The dominant parasitoids either on organic or conventional condition was from Tachinidae group and two others potential parasitoids were from Braconidae and Ichneumonidae group. The richness of parasitoids on organic vegetables ecosystem were higher than conventional one, namely on organic condition ( Chinese cabbage, onion, tomatoes and chili) were1,10., 0,76., 0,99 and 0,95, respectively compared to conventional were 0,572., 0,78., 0,390 and 0,497 respectively. Generally, it can be said that the organic farming system have a potential to be developed in regard with conse4rvation of natural enemies, predator and parasitoid, so that those natural enemies increase their role as biological control agents, especially in applying the integrated pest management on vegetables crop.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi fenotipik dan genotipik serta pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari komponen hasil ke hasil tanaman padi beras merah. Percobaan dilakukan pada MH Desember 2006- Maret 2007 di lahan tegalan Desa Prian Kecamatan Montong Betok Kabupaten Lombok Timur, dengan jenis tanah inseptisol.. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 23 perlakuan (20 genotipe padi beras merah hasil seleksi silang balik dan 3 tetua yaitu Piong, Angka dan Kenya) yang diulang 3 kali. Penanaman setiap genotipe pada luasan 5,5 m x 1,25 dengan jarak tanam 25 x 25 cm. Penanaman dilakukan dengan cara tugal, tiap lubang tugal ditanam 2 benih dan ditinggalkan 1 tanaman per rumpun. Pengairan berdasarkan air hujan. Pemupukan dilakukan dengan Urea 300 kg/ha; SP36 150 kg/ha dan KCl 150 kg/ha. Analisis korelasi genotipik, penotifik dan sidik lintas berdasarkan Singh dan Chaudhary (1979). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter total jumlah anakkan per rumpun, jumlah gabah berisi per malai, total jumlah gabah per malai, bobot 100 butir gabah dan kandungan antosianin beras dapat dipergunakan sebagai kriteria seleksi hasil gabah padi beras merah secara tidak langsung, karakter tersebut memiliki pengaruh langsung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan koefisien korelasinya. ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to know phenotypic, genotypic correlations with indirect and direct effect on yield and yield components of red rice . Experiment was conducted on a dryland area at Prian village of Montong Betok distric, East Lombok, on an Inseptisol soil, during the rainy season from December 2006 to March 2007. The 23 treatments (20 genotypes obtained from back cross selection) and 3 parents (Piong, Angka and Kenya) ware designed with Randomized Complete Block and replicated three times. Each genotype was grown on 5,5 m x 1,25 m plot with plant spacing of 25 cm x 25 cm and only 1 plant per clump. Irrigation in upland was based on availability of rain water. The fertilization applied were Urea 300 kg/ha, SP36 150 kg/ha and KCl 150 kg/ha. Genotypic, phenotypic correlation analysis and path analysis were based on Singh and Chaudhary (1979). Results indicated that the character of tiller numbers per clump, filled grain numbers per panicle, total grain number per panicle, weight of 100 grain and anthocyanin content be used as an indirect selection criteria for grain yield of red rice.Those characters had a higher direct effect compared to their correlation coefficient
UJI KETAHANAN BEBERAPA VARIETAS KACANG TANAH LOKAL BIMA TERHADAP PENYAKIT Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. Wahyu Astiko1; Irwan Muthahanas 1; Yuni Fitrianti2
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat ketahanan beberapa varietas kacang tanah lokal Bima terhadap penyakit Sclerotium rolfsii. Percobaan dirancang menurut Rancangan Acak Kelompok, yang terdiri dari lima perlakuan dan setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali. Perlakuan tersebut adalah Varietas Rasanae, Varietas Belo, Varietas Sape, Varietas Wawo, dan Varietas Wera. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima varietas kacang tanah lokal Bima tersebut semuanya memiliki tingkat ketahanan yang rendah. Masa inkubasi varietas Wera paling cepat (7,66 h) dengan intensitas paling tinggi (96 %) dan varietas Sape paling lama (8,60 h) dengan intensitas penyakit terendah (74 %). Laju infeksi tertinggi diperoleh dari varietas Sape (1,589 unit/hari) dan terendah varietas Wera (0,165 unit/hari). ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to determine the resistance of some Bima’s local varieties of peanut against Sclerotium rolfsii disease. Experiment was designed according to Completely Block Design consisted of five treatments and each treatment was replicated four times. The treatments were Rasanae varieties, Belo varieties, Sape varieties, Wawo varieties, and Wera varieties. Result of the experiment indicated that five peanut Bima local varieties mentioned all have of resistance level which low. Incubation period of Wera varieties is the fastest (7,66 d) with the highest intensity (96 %) and Sape varieties are the slowest (8,60 d) with the lowest intensity (74 %). The highest rate intensity was found on Sape varieties (1,589 unit/day) and the lowest one is Wera varieties (0,165 unit/day)
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Satu percobaan yang bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemangkasan cabang terhadap hasil tanaman brokoli sudah dilaksanakan di dataran rendah pulau Lombok. Lokasi percobaan terletak di Kecamatan Narmada, Kabupaten Lombok Barat (08o31’S and 116o13’T) pada ketinggian tempat 125 m di atas permukaan laut. Ada lima perlakuan yang diuji, yaitu: (A) kontrol, tanpa pemangkasan cabang, (B) pemangkasan cabang 25%, (C) pemangkasan cabang 50%, (D) pemangkasan cabang 75% dan (D) pemangkasan cabang 100%. Pemangkasan cabang dilakukan pada saat tanaman menginisiasi bunga. Semua perlakuan memiliki tiga ulangan dan dirancang dengan rancangan acak kelompok. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan analisis keragaman dilanjutkan pembandingan kontras ortogonal. Analisis pertumbuhan tanaman berdasarkan biomassa dan luas daun dilakukan dengan menggunakan prosedur yang sudah baku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemangkasan mempercepat umur panen dan meningkatkan hasil brokoli yang dicerminkan lewat berat dan diameter bunga. Semakin tinggi tingkat pemangkasan, semakin tinggi hasil tanaman brokoli. ABSTRACT An experiment aimed at studying the effects of side shoots removal on yield of broccoli was done on the lowland of Lombok. The experimental site was situated in distric of Narmada, West Lombok (08o31’S and 116o13’E) at 125 m above sea level. There were five treatments tested, namely: (A) control, without side shoots removal, (B) 25% of side shoots removal, (C) 50% of side shoots removal, (D) 75% of side shoots removal and (E) 100% of side shoots removal. The side shoots removal was done at the head initiation phase. All the treatments had three replications and were arranged in a randomized block design. Data were analysed using analysis of variance continued with one degree of freedom analysis. Growth analysis based on dry matter and leaf area was done using the standard growth analysis methods. Results of the experiment show that the side shoots removal hastened harvest date and increased head weight and diameter of broccoli. The higher level of side shoots removal, the higher yield of broccoli.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRACT This research aimed at evaluating performance of Arthrobotrys dactyloides in improved kaolin-alginate granular formulation. A. dactyloides was formulated in kaolin-alginate granules enriched with three types of organic matters (saw dust, rice hay, and corn cob), each with two concentrations (1% and 3% (w/v)). A formulation of granule without organic matter was also provided as a control. For each formulation, one half of granule was air-dried directly and the other half was given additional treatment, re-fermentation. The granules were used in experiments to observe performance of A. dactyloides in the formulations both in agar medium and in soil tests. All experiments were conducted with completely randomized design and data were analyzed with analysis of variance. Results showed that neither types nor concentrations of organic matters had any significant effect on the performance of A. dactyloides. Re-fermentation of granules, however, significantly improved weight of granules, number of propagules in granules, vigor of the fungus, growth of the fungus in soil, spore and ring production in soil. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi performa Arthrobotrys dactyloides dalam formulasi butiran kaolin-alginat yang diperkaya. A. dactyloides diformulasikan dalam butiran kaolin-alginat yang diperkaya dengan tiga macam bahan organik (serbuk gergaji, jerami padi, dan tongkol jagung), masing-masing dengan dua konsentrasi (1% dan 3% (b/v)). Formulasi tanpa penambahan bahan organik disiapkan sebagai kontrol. Untuk tiap formulasi, setengah dari butiran langsung dikering-anginkan dan sisanya diberikan perlakuan tambahan, re-fermentasi. Butiran digunakan pada percobaan-percobaan untuk mengetahui performa A. dactyloides dalam formulasi, baik pada pengujian di media agar maupun di dalam tanah. Semua percobaan dilaksanakan dengan rancangan acak lengkap dan data dianalisa dengan analisis keragaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe bahan organik atau konsentrasinya tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap performa A. dactyloides. Sebaliknya, re-fermentasi butiran secara nyata meningkatkan berat butiran, jumlah propagul dalam butiran, vigor jamur, pertumbuhan jamur di dalam tanah, produksi spora dan cincin perangkap di dalam tanah.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik beberapa sifat tanaman bawang merah Kultivar Ampenan dan memperbaiki sifat-sifat umbi bibit selama tiga siklus serta persentase susut selama penyimpanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei serta observasi langsung pertanaman petani. Sedangkan seleksi menggunakan metode seleksi klon berulang sederhana. Survei dan observasi dilakukan di tiga wilayah sentral produksi bawang merah kultivar Ampenan, yaitu desa Bongor, Mamben dan Swela. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisa dengan analisis ragam. Seleksi klon berulang sederhana dilakukan dengan memilih sebanyak 10 persen rumpun yang jumlah daun dan jumlah umbi per rumpun sesuai dengan kriteria umbi bibit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa keragaman genetik antar sifat yang diamati berbeda dilihat dari nilai koefisien keragaman genetiknya (KKG). Nilai KKG tertinggi diperoleh pada jumlah daun per rumpun, yakni 39,15 % dan terendah pada tinggi tanaman sebesar 1,60 %. Telah dilakukan seleksi klon berulang sederhana selama tiga siklus dan diperoleh populasi F3 , yaitu 20 klon harapan. Persentase susut berat umbi yang disimpan selama 3 bulan untuk populasi dasar sebesar 17,43 % dan populasi F1 14,28 %. ABSTRACT The aims of this research were to know genetic variance of several traits on Ampenan cultivar of onion, to improve the traits of their seed bulbs for three cycles, and to minimaize seed bulbs weight reduction percentage during storage. In this research, the descriptive method was used, through survey technique and direct observation on farmers’ plantation, while for selection, a simple recurrent technique was used. Survey and observation were done at three central production areas of Ampenan onion, i.e. in Bongor, Mamben and Swela villages. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance. The simple recurrent clone selection was done by selecting 10 percent of onion clumps having leaves and bulb number in accordance with criteria of bulb seeds. Results indicated that genetic variances between observed traits were different based on their coefficients of genetic variability. The highest coefficient of genetic variability was obtained on leaf number per clump, i.e. 39.15%, and the lowest value was obtained from plant height, i.e. only 1.60%. From the simple recurrent clone selection, F3 populations were obtained, 20 expected clones. The percentage of bulb weight reduction that stored during three months for base population was 17.43 % and F1 population was 14.28 %.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRACT The wheat-rye translocation 1DL.1RS has been used to introduce stem rust disease resistance associated with the 1RS chromosome, however, cultivars carrying this translocation exhibit deleterious end-use quality. The aim of the experiment was to screen and isolate additional wheat-rye recombinants, in order to eliminate or reduce these deleterious effects of the rye chromosome 1RS when transferred to wheat. Besides their potential use in wheat improvement, a series of new wheat-rye recombinants could find application in mapping activities with other genes. Using the presence of the SEC‑1 marker as an indication of the 1RS chromosome segment, several suspected recombinants were isolated. The frequency of recovery of suspected recombinants of phenotypes “TRI‑D1+GLI‑D1-SEC‑1+” and “TRI‑D1-GLI‑D1+SEC‑1+” ranged from 0.6 to 6 % in families 1 to 3. However, family 4 showed a much higher than expected frequency of these suspected recombinant chromosomes (24.4%). A model was proposed to explain the nature of Family 4 based on homozygosity for the 1DL.1RS translocation and the presence of two recombinants chromosomes involving the short arm of group 1 chromosomes. ABSTRAK Translokasi gandum-rye 1DL.1RS digunakan untuk mengintroduksi ketahanan terhadap penyakit karat batang yang terletak pada kromosom 1RS, tetapi kultivar pembawa tranlokasi ini menunjukkan kualitas produk akhir yang jelek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengisolasi rekombinan gandum-rye baru, untuk mengurangi efek kurang menguntungkan dari kromosom 1RS ini jika ditransfer ke tanaman gandum. Disamping pentingnya dalam perbaikan kualitas gandum, serangkaian rekombinan akan bermanfaat bagi kegiatan pemetaan gen-gen lain. Dengan menggunakan marker protein SEC-1 sebagai indikator keberadaan segmen kromosom 1RS, beberapa rekombinan telah diisolasi. Frekuensi rekombinan “TRI‑D1+GLI‑D1-SEC‑1+” dan “TRI‑D1-GLI‑D1+SEC‑1+” berkisar 0.6 – 6% pada famili 1-3, tetapi famili 4 menunjukkan frekuensi jauh lebih tinggi (24.4%). Suatu model dirancang untuk menjelaskan keadaan ini berdasarkan homosigositas translokasi 1DL.1RS dan keberadaan 2 rekombinan kromosom yang melibatkan lengan pendek kromosom grup 1 pada gandum.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Crop Agro
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Perbedaan pelaksanaan yang paling prinsip antara teknik SRI dan konvensional dalam budidaya padi adalah pengairan yang intermittent selama fase vegetatif dan mengutamakan pupuk organik, di samping anjuran penanaman bibit muda dan tunggal pada SRI. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menguji pengaruh umur dan jumlah bibit per lubang tanam terhadap hasil padi pada teknik budidaya SRI, dengan melakukan percobaan pot yang ditempatkan di halaman terbuka dan ditata menurut Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 3 ulangan dan 2 faktor perlakuan, yaitu umur bibit pindah tanam (5, 10 atau 15 HSS) dan jumlah bibit per lubang tanam (1, 2 atau 3 bibit). Percobaan dilaksanakan di desa Gerung (Lombok Barat) pada bulan Juli sampai Nopember 2006, menggunakan padi (Oryza sativa L.) varietas Ciherang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara kedua faktor perlakuan, tetapi faktor umur bibit memberikan lebih banyak pengaruh nyata, yaitu terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah daun, tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, berat jerami kering, jumlah anakan produktif dan persentase gabah hampa, dibandingkan dengan jumlah bibit per lubang tanam, yaitu hanya terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah daun dan anakan. Persentase gabah hampa semakin rendah dengan semakin muda umur bibit pindah tanam, terutama kalau menggunakan penanaman bibit tunggal. Walaupun tidak signifikan, ada kecenderungan bahwa hasil gabah tertinggi diperoleh pada kombinasi perlakuan umur bibit 10 hari dengan penanaman 2 atau 3 bibit per lubang tanam, yang juga didukung oleh adanya kecenderungan jumlah anakan produktif yang tinggi, terutama dengan 3 bibit per lubang tanam. Namun perlu dicarikan solusi bagaimana mengurangi persentase gabah hampa dan/atau meningkatkan indeks panen. ABSTRACT The main differences in the implementation of SRI versus conventional techniques of rice culture are the application of intermittent irrigation during vegetative stages and the importance of manures besides transplanting of very young and single seedlings in SRI practice. This research was aimed to examine the effects of age and number of seedlings per hill at transplanting on yield of rice under SRI technique, by conducting a pot experiment on an open field, designed based on Completely Randomized Design with three replicates and two factorial treatment factors, i.e. seedling ages at transplanting (5, 10 or 15 days after sowing) and number of seedlings per hill (1, 2 or 3 seedlings). The experiment was carried out at Gerung village (West Lombok) from July to November 2006, using “Ciherang” variety of rice (Oryza sativa L.). The results indicated that there was no significant interaction between the two treatment factors, but seedling age factor showed significant effects on more observation variables, including growth rates of leaf number, plant height, and tiller number, and dry straw weight, productive tillers and percentage of unfilled grains, when compared with the treatment factor of seedling number per hill, which showed significant effects only on growth rate of leaf number and tiller number. Percentages of unfilled grains were lower when younger seedlings were transplanted, especially when transplanting single seedlings. Although it was not significant, there was a tendency that highest yield could be obtained from the treatment combination of transplanting 2 or 3 seedlings of ten-days old, which was supported by a tendency to obtain the highest number of productive tillers, especially with transplantation of 3 seedlings per hill. However, more researches need to be conducted to find out how to reduce percentage of unfilled grains and/or to increase harvest index.

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